How to Spice Up Any Travel Itinerary

Making an itinerary can be a tedious task but I have found that it is the best way to manage time while on vacation.  If you’re like me, you like to get the most out of every trip!  I like to plan each day down to the hour. I know it sounds overboard but I like to make sure that I have plenty of options and my time is filled up.  It simply makes it easier to move around the city or between cities while keeping me on track with everything I planned. I don’t always get around to everything but I feel more comfortable with a plan. So, this is basically why I have gotten into the habit of creating detailed itineraries and I probably will never stop. Here are the things I try to include on each itinerary:

Historic Tour – I really like to understand the background of every country I visit. A historical tour is a great way to get the lay of the land while taking in the nuances of what makes your destination special. Think of this as laying the foundation of building your familiarity so you can become more comfortable with your surroundings. A great and cheap way to knock this out if you are short on time is a hop on hop off bus tour.

Cultural Activity – This sort of activity gives you a feel for what the customs and social norms are in an area. It can give you a look at what the flavor of a community is like. When searching sites like Trip Advisor, navigate through their local tours or cultural section to find these jewels. While in the South of France I took a perfume making class where I was able to create my own unique scent. This was one of the major exports of this area because of the surrounding lavender fields. The majority of the world’s perfumes are made from this area. This was a cultural experience I will never forget.

Food/Wine Tour - Nothing is better than eating authentic food and drinking wine from the home country of your favorite cuisines. Food always tastes better from the regions in which it originated. A lot of cuisines are made with ingredients that are specific to those countries, as well as some cooking methods that are unique and created in those regions. Same with wine, in certain areas, the wine tastes better where the grapes are grown. If you like taking home souvenirs, start with a wine collection from every country you visit. 

Beach Day (if I am near a beach) - A beach day is always necessary. Especially at some of the most beautiful beaches around the world. Who can turn down a little vitamin sea? Certainly not me! For some of us, it is not every day you can sit on a beautiful stretch of beach with the smell of the ocean at the tip of your nose. 

Time in the spa - I highly recommend getting a spa day in whether it is on the front or back end of your vacation. It can be a perfect way to relax after a long flight to your destination. Or it can be a great way to wind down an active vacation. Either way, some of the best massages can be experienced at cheaper prices all over the world. A four-hour spa experience in Bali can essentially cost about a fourth of the price of what you would pay in the US.

Music Event - I love concerts and live music! I especially love the music of different cultures. From reggae to merengue, it is all music to my ears. I will attend anything from a Beyoncé concert in Paris to a small dive bar playing live music in Italy.  Music brings people together, this is a great way to meet other locals. There is nothing like feeling the energy of a collective group of people grooving to the same music. This includes mainstream concerts, local festivals, international artists, and even live music events at the neighborhood bar. 

Something off the beaten path - Some of the best stories that I have come away with were the ones I least expected. In most places, there is always a hidden bar, special drink, best view, a local party that only the locals know about. I recommend chatting with the locals to find out the hidden gems around the area. Embrace a bit of the unknown and have an adventure and story to tell when you get home. The rules for this category are to pick something that you would normally not do. So basically challenge yourself to do something out of the box. Will Smith once said, “Bliss is on the other side of fear.” Here’s your opportunity to do something memorable while traveling

These are my top types of things I like to add to an itinerary. I don’t always hit all of these things but if I get at least 2 or 3 on my trips, I feel like I can come home fulfilled. The idea is to have a full trip with experiences I could not have at home that connect me authentically. Creating the perfect itinerary is how you can make that happen.